APPG independent inquiry launches ‘Call for evidence’
The launch of an independent inquiry by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sport and Physical Activity in the Criminal Justice System on January 24, 2024, signifies a noteworthy step towards assessing and potentially enhancing the role of physical activity, physical education and sport within the children and young people secure estate (CYPSE) and adult prisons across England and Wales. The CYPSE encompasses Secure Children’s Homes, Secure Training Centre’s and Young Offender Institutions.
The APPG is issuing this public call for evidence to gather insights from individuals and organisations with experience or expertise in delivering physical activity, physical education and sport in the above secure and custodial settings, as well as those using it as a tool to reduce reoffending.
Additionally, the APPG seeks information on effective interventions, the challenges and opportunities present, and suggestions for future improvements. Feedback from those with lived experience of the justice system is also encouraged to ensure a well-informed and effective approach to identifying positive advancements.
All submissions must be received by Friday 15th March 2024.
To submit your response, scan the QR code below or click here to access the online form.