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AoS supports reform of probation services

AoS worked with Catch-22 and offered its network the chance to get involved in the delivery of personal wellbeing support to prison leavers. 

Catch22 are a charity and social business which has been awarded nine regional contracts to support prison leavers on licence, those requiring post-sentence supervision and those serving community or suspended sentences. 

Under ‘Commissioned Rehabilitative Services’ (CRS) arrangements, Catch22 are delivering the personal wellbeing services strand of the model, using a network of suppliers to support the resettlement and rehabilitation of prison leavers. Organisations within specific Police Crime Commission (PCC) regions will have access to referrals from the probation service into their projects. 

AoS made introductions and strengthened partnerships across the following areas: London, Avon and Somerset (including Bristol), Dorset, Hampshire, Thames Valley (Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes and East Berkshire) and West Mercia (Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Telford). 
