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Levelling the Playing Field

Levelling the Playing Field uses the power of sport and physical activity to engage and improve health and life outcomes for ethnically diverse children who are at risk of entering, or already involved with, the Criminal Justice System (CJS).

The evidence informs our approach, and evidence tells us that ethnically diverse children are less likely to take part in physical activity, and more likely to be involved with the CJS.

Our aim is to level the playing field by driving collective impact and achievement of two common goals:

  • Increase the number of ethnically diverse children taking part in sport and physical activity
  • Prevent and divert ethnically diverse children from being involved with the Criminal Justice System

Our initial delivery areas are London, Gwent, the West Midlands and South Yorkshire. We’re empowering local people and organisations there, helping them maximise their existing frontline work in communities.

Powered by a record £1million grant from the London Marathon Charitable Trust, LtPF is managed by the Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice, working alongside the Youth Justice Board.

For more information, please check out the Projects website: Levelling the Playing Field.
